What length are your boards?

Our decks are currently 99mm for decks 33.5mm and wider. Smaller decks are 98mm long.

Where are you based? How long does shipping take?

We are based in Argentina! We ship with Fedex and decks usually arrive within one week.

Will you sponsor me?

Probably not! We have a team of talented riders from all over the world and we're not looking for new riders.

Do you do wholesale for resellers?

We do! Feel free to reach out to us via our contact form or on our social media!

I have a fingerboard brand, can we collab?

Feel free to reach out if you would like to collaborate with us! We've done collabs with many renowned brands like Fingerboardstore.de, Flatface and smaller ones from countries like Australia, South Korea, the UK, USA...

Do you sell molds or design molds?

We're not currently offering a mold manufacturing service.

Can you share your 3D files of your mold?

Our parametric models are a key asset of ours which took us a lot of time and effort, so unfortunately we're not able to share that.